Advanced Energy Jobs in Florida
Results of the 2016 Florida Advanced Energy Employment Survey

  • FL Employment by Industry
  • FL Advanced Energy Employment by Technology
  • FL Advanced Energy Employment by Segment
  • Florida Advanced Energy Employment 2015-2016

At just over 140,000 workers, advanced energy employs nearly twice as many Floridians as agriculture, more than real estate, and equal to schools, colleges, and training institutions. The advanced energy industry now supports 2% of statewide employment and is expected to grow almost 4% by the end of 2016, with employers adding more than 5,000 new jobs by yearend. These are some of the results drawn from this AEE Institute report—the first study of advanced energy employment in the Sunshine State, prepared by BW Research Partnership, a leading workforce and economic development research firm.

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At just over 140,000 workers, advanced energy employs nearly twice as many Floridians as agriculture, more than real estate, and equal to schools, colleges, and training institutions. The advanced energy industry now supports 2% of statewide employment and is expected to grow almost 4% by the end of 2016, with employers adding more than 5,000 new jobs by yearend. These are some of the results drawn from this AEE Institute report—the first study of advanced energy employment in the Sunshine State, prepared by BW Research Partnership, a leading workforce and economic development research firm.